Sowing Seeds

A Friend from Quaker Meeting recently shared with me, The Soil Story. It’s a short, well-crafted, and engaging video produced by Kiss the Ground – a 501(c)3 increasing societal awareness about the extraordinary benefits of healthy soil.

Watch The Soil Story.

In a time where my services as a graphic designer (print) and illustrator do not feel “essential”, the question arises: how can I best use my skills to help? Is there a variation of these skills that could help? How can these skills become essential?

This next series of posts will seek to find an answer(s).

What I do know is that the message in The Soil Story introduced me to regenerative agriculture-culture and has served as a powerful seed starter.

We are creatives, right? Creativity is needed to solve problems, right? This is a starting point. Having put the queries out to the Universe, I’ll get to work  writing – using the Q&A technique from the Slump Series No. 2 – (and drawing) and see what happens by next week. See you then!

In the meantime, here’s an illustration for an upcoming storybook that I am working on: